
Regardless of what volunteer needs are listed here, we’re always looking for more volunteers. We rely on hundreds of volunteers each year to help.

We are so grateful for your initiative to share your time and skills with us. Let us know how we can reach out to you by filling out the interest form. Thank you!

Urgent Volunteer Needs

We urgently need volunteers for the following.

Short term or temporary

  • Looking for parents who speak Spanish or Chinese to serve as ambassadors for the CLES PTA to families that need language support to fully engage with the PTA, to ensure those families are included and invited to all PTA events. Contact: comms@clespta.org

Long term

Open PTA Positions

Open positions are listed below. If interested, please fill out the volunteer interest form. Email volunteer@clespta.org with any volunteering questions.

  • Our Social Director is looking for help with organizing our many social events throughout the school year. Looking for leaders for the Winter Dance, End of Year Party, 5th Grade Party. Contact Annette at social@clespta.org.

  • Our Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee is looking for volunteers to help with organizing this year’s International Night. Email Karen and Yaminee at dei@clespta.org.

  • Join the Science Fair Team to help plan, coordinate, and run the school science fair in March. Email science.fair@clespta.org

  • Represent CLES at the Howard County advisory group meetings. Attend monthly county meetings, discuss our students’ best interests with the PTA Executive Board.

    (1) GTAC - Gifted and Talented

    (1) CAC - Citizen’s Advisory Council

    (1) SECAC - Special Education Citizen’s Advisory Council

    Email questions@clespta.org

  • We need one summer volunteer to run our school supplies fundraiser. This is short term and minimal effort. Every summer, the PTA arranges a schools supplies box fundraiser through schoolbox.com. Families can purchase a complete box of school supplies for their studen(s) easily through the site. Part of the sales proceeds go to the PTA.

    Please contact volunteer@clespta.org.

  • Know of ways to passively raise funds for CLES? Like Boxtops and supermarket loyalty cards? We need a volunteer willing to set up and promote these kinds of fundraising avenues. Please contact volunteer@clespta.org.